Optimise every step in your recruitment

Say goodbye to endless emails and spreadsheets and hello to a smarter, more efficient way of hiring. With our intuitive platform and AI solutions, you can simplify and easily manage candidate applications, resumes, and interview schedules, all in one place. 

The Complete Solution

Ligula risus auctor tempus magna feugiat lacinia.

Candidate Experience

Make a statement by delivering a consistent and seamless candidate experience. AskHugo’s email templates and portals let you personalize your outreach, providing a memorable first impression.

Diverse Hiring

No fluff! Only results. Enable an outcome driven IDE plan into your recruitment process using our Job Decoder. Neutralize the tone in the job descriptions and speak fairly to all genders and races. 


Cut down your recruitment process from hours to minutes and be the first to send the offer. Streamline your initial funnel stages using our resume match score and speed up your candidate evaluation and weed out the poor-fit prospects.

Talent Management

Porta semper lacus cursus feugiat primis ultrice ligula risus ociis auctor and tempus feugiat impedit felis cursus auctor augue mauris blandit ipsum


Yes! It's easy

The daunting talent acquisition and management sunsets when you onboard with us. It is only uphill from here.

Reduce Your Time To Offer

10-second Resume Screening

AskHugo’s Smart Match evaluates and displays all right-fit profiles with a smart score for easy candidate filteration.

  • Screen hundreds of profiles effortlessly
  • Identify market intelligence skills in less time

Full access to all features

Extract and organize multiple resumes, transforming them into a cohesive representation.  

  • Connect with your candidates with who you already have a relationship with 
  • Lower the application screening time 



Personalize. Communicate. Recruit.

Deliver a smooth and positive experience to hundreds of candidates you meet in the hiring process without spending too much time.

Meet and exceed your tech savvy Millennials and digital GenZs expectations through digital offer letters and impress with seamless digital experience.

Post Bias-Free Job Descriptions

Pledge your commitment to DEI and show them in each job description by demonstrating a neutral tone. 

Search resumes based on DEI needs

Lower your application screening time by enabling DEI filters

Build an unbiased talent pipeline

WithAskHugo, you can effortlessly extract and organize multiple resumes, transforming them into a cohesive representation of your brand.

Everything in one place

Sodales tempor sapien quaerat congue eget ipsum laoreet turpis neque auctor vitae eros dolor luctus placerat magna ligula cursus and purus pretium

Editing tools and exports

  • Tempor sapien volute turpis ipsum laoreet purus and sapien dolor diam ultrice ipsum aliquam undo congue dolor cursus tempor sapien quaerat

  • Cursus purus suscipit vitae cubilia magnis volute egestas vitae sapien a turpis ultrice auctor ipsum


Integrate all your essential tools

  • Cursus purus suscipit vitae cubilia magnis volute egestas vitae sapien turpis sodales magna undo aoreet primis

  • Tempor sapien quaerat an ipsum laoreet purus and sapien dolor an ultrice ipsum aliquam undo congue dolor cursus purus congue and ipsum purus sapien a blandit

Insights & Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Customizable Dashboards

Ligula risus auctor tempus magna feugiat lacinia.


Control data access with ease

Sodales tempor sapien quaerat congue eget ipsum laoreet turpis neque auctor vitae eros dolor luctus placerat magna ligula cursus and purus pretium
Tempor sapien volute turpis ipsum laoreet purus and sapien dolor diam ultrice ipsum aliquam undo congue dolor cursus tempor sapien quaerat

Cursus purus suscipit vitae cubilia magnis volute egestas vitae sapien a turpis ultrice auctor ipsum


Achieve more with better workflows

  • Cursus purus suscipit vitae cubilia magnis volute egestas vitae sapien turpis sodales magna undo aoreet primis

  • Tempor sapien quaerat an ipsum laoreet purus and sapien dolor an ultrice ipsum aliquam undo congue dolor cursus purus congue and ipsum purus sapien a blandit


A single tool for all your needs

  • Cursus purus suscipit vitae cubilia magnis volute egestas vitae sapien turpis sodales magna undo aoreet primis

  • Tempor sapien quaerat an ipsum laoreet purus and sapien dolor an ultrice ipsum aliquam undo congue dolor cursus purus congue and ipsum purus sapien a blandit

Getting started with
Martex today!

Congue laoreet turpis neque auctor turpis vitae dolor a luctus placerat and magna ligula cursus
We provide solutions for your creative ideas An enim nullam tempor sapien gravida donec pretium ipsum porta.
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